Mt. Olive Cemetery 


Smack (f)

17 Jul 1957 - 18 Jul 1957

Mt. Olive

P - Smack, Edna B


Small, Annie

d 19 Dec 1942 aged 30y

Mt. Olive

SP - Small, Lucious

P - Daniel Johnson

P - Blanche Gatlin

Small, John Emerson

3 Apr 1921 - 3 Jul 1959

John Emerson Small

N39 45.412 W075 35.893

Veteran WWII
Army Air Corp

Mt. Olive

P - Edward Small

P - Emma Walker


Small, Lucius J

d 13 Aug 1945 aged 72y

Mt. Olive

P - Kinston Small

P - Charity Small

Small, Paul

10 Jun 1895 - 22 Sep 1937

Mt. Olive

P - Peter Small

P - Nancy Williams



Smyley, J W

D 18 Aug 1885



Smallwood, Aaron Sylvester

11 Jan 1903 - 14 Oct 1957

Mt. Olive 269846764

P - George Smallwood / Clara Elizabeth Bush

Smallwood, Alexander

d 9 Apr 1889 aged 11d

St. Peters

P - Levi Smallwood

P - Annie Mathilda Smallwood

Smallwood, Alfred Henry

15 Aug 1898 - 10 Dec 1949


Mt. Olive 269838092

SP - Jennie Smallwood

P George Ernest Smallwood / Clara Lizzie Bush

Smallwood, Annie

1851 25 May 1913

Mt. Olive 269735856

P John Segers / Mary Demsy

Smallwood, Annie E

d 2 Jan 1908 aged 16 1/2y

Mt. Olive 269709089

P - Joseph Henry Smallwood / Anna Carney

Smallwood, Beatrice

d 3 Sep 1900 aged 6m

St. Peters 178989793

P - Levi Smallwood / Susie Smallwood

Smallwood, Blanche

d 31 May 1914 aged 2y 8m

Mt. Olive

P - Wm Smallwood

P - Charlotte Taylor

Smallwood, Clara Elizabeth Lizzie

18 Mar 1881 - 8 Feb 1947

Mt. Olive 269840302

SP - Smallwood, George

P - Bush, John

Smallwood, Cora

12 Oct 1908 - 2 Nov 1944

Mt. Olive

SP - Smallwood, William

P - Blackwell, Aaron

Smallwood, Earl Oscar

27 Oct 1912 9 Feb 1913

Mt. Olive

P Oscar Smallwood / Eleanor Laws

Smallwood, Eleanor

15 Feb 1881 - 7 Mar 1945

Mt. Olive

SP - Smallwood, Joseph

P - McGlotten, John

Smallwood, George

d 19 Mar 1921 aged 47y

Mt. Olive 269842106

P - Washington Smallwood

Smallwood, Isiah

12 Apr 1888 - 18 Apr 1960

Mt. Olive 269757767

P - Joseph H Smallwood / Annar Corney

SP Lillian Harris

Smallwood, James Arthur Garfield

d 24 Mar 1910 aged 27y 5m

Mt. Olive

P - Leri Thomas Smallwood

P - Anna Mathilda Smallwood

Smallwood, James Edward

D 31 Dec 1905 aged 1yr

St. Peters

P George W

P - Lizzie

Smallwood, Joseph

d 21 Oct 1908 aged 1m

Mt. Olive

Smallwood, Joseph

1906 11 May 1911

Mt. Olive 237779406

P Houston Smith Smallwood / Charlotte A Taylor


Smallwood, Joseph Henry

D 14 Sep 1923 aged 69y

Mt. Olive 269735461

P - Joseph Smallwood / Sarah Cork Smallwood

SP Anna Carney

Smallwood, Joseph

11 Mar 1889 - 16 Aug 1941

Mt. Olive

Smallwood, Joseph Henry

9 Jan 1899 - 19 May 1952

Mt. Olive 269760862

P - Smallwood, Nathaniel / Ray, Catherine

Smallwood, Lillian

20 Oct 1898 11 Oct 1969

(1888 1969)

Mt. Olive 254393594

Lillian Smallwood

P James Walter Stafford

P Emma Smith

SP Alfred Smallwood

Smallwood, Mamie

May 1870 - 24 Feb 1934

Mt. Olive

P - Ray, Elizabeth

Smallwood, Mary

d 15 Feb 1894 aged 17y


P - Levi Smallwood

P - Annie Blackston

Smallwood, Myrtle

1 Aug 1897 - 7 Jul 1957

Mt. Olive 269816726

P - Joseph Smallwood / Phannis Cornish

Smallwood, Nathaniel

2 May 1876 - 18 Feb 1934

Mt. Olive 269759644

SP - Smallwood, Katherine

P - Smallwood, Joseph / Corney, Pashanna

Smallwood, Oscar

D 14 Jul 1911 aged 0d

Mt. Olive 209698983

P Oscar Smallwood / Eleanor E Laws

Smallwood, Oscar

d 21 May 1928 aged 34yrs

Mt. Olive 209699194

Sect B stone 336

P Joseph Henry Smallwood / Anna Carney

Smallwood, Patiama (Phamer)

d 14 Jan 1919 aged 60y

Mt. Olive

P - Abeham Carney

P - Elizabeth Gooding

Smallwood, Robert Henry

d 23 Jun 1888 aged 24y

Front and Union

P - Samuel Smallwood

P - Eliza

Smallwood, William

D 2 Oct 1906 aged 5y

St. Peters

P - George

P - Lizzie

Smallwood, William

D 26 Feb 1927 aged 75y

Mt. Olive

Smallwood, William Henry

d 27 Aug 1893 aged 15y


P - Levi Smallwood

P - Annie M Smallwood

Smallwood (f)

d 30 Jan 1916 aged 0d

Mt. Olive 269829705

P - Walter Wright / Sarah Smallwood


Smart, Henry

10 Oct 30 Aug 1930 aged 29y

Mt. Olive

Transit stone 593

P Vergil Smart

P Mattie Gupel

Smart, Jannette

d 24 Sep 1920

Mt. Olive

P - Robert Smart

P - Elsie McFarline

Smart, Julian Temple

2 Sep 1918 - 4 Sep 1918

Mt. Olive

P - Robert Smart

P - Arie Smart

Smart, Martha L

d 30 Dec 1907 aged 47y

Mt. Olive

Smart, Mary L

Sep 1860 30 Dec 1907

Mt. Olive 277028889

SP Samuel Smart

P () Thomas


Smart, Robert

d 20 Jan 1939 aged 6m

Mt. Olive

P - William Jones

P - Helen Smart

Smart, Samuel

d 15 Feb 1910 aged 60y

Mt. Olive

Smart (m)

d 13 Apr 1898 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Willard Warnes

P - Barbara Ann Smart


Smith, Abraham

27 Aug 1890 - 27 Nov 1940

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Samuel

P - Elizabeth

Smith, Ada

24 Mar 1881 - 20 Dec 1941

Mt. Olive


SP - Smith, John

P - Carter, Thomas / Hoskins, Mary Etta

Smith, Albert

D 16 Jul 1933 aged 54y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John / Hill, Roddy

Smith, Alexander

d 3 Feb 1890
aged abt 32

St. Peters

Smith, Alexander

8 Feb 1910 - 13 Sep 1910

St. Peters

P - Smith, Alexander

P - Hines, Minnie

Smith, Alexander

11 Oct 1875 - 5 Feb 1958

Mt. Olive


P - Smith, Cephas

P - Campbell, Harriett

SP Minnie E Hines

Smith, Alfred

21 Jul 1896 - 6 Jan 1923 aged 27y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John / Jones, Mary

Smith, Alice

d 24 Jun 1895 aged 26y

St. Peters

Smith, Alice

d 29 Aug 1901 aged 26y

Union Street


P - Wallace, James

P - Mary

Smith, Allen

26 Jan 1887 11 Apr 1969

Mt. Olive

P Frank Smith

P - Emma

Smith, Anita

d 14 Sep 1916 aged 2y 7m

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Wm

P - Wolf, Annie

Smith, Anna

d 12 Jan 1885 aged 3y

St. Peters

P - Smith, Cornelius

P - Smith, Ida

Smith, Anna M

9 Jul 1869 - 31 May 1935

Anna Smith

N39 45.419 W075 35.834

Mt. Olive

P - Gray, Isaac D

P - Davis, Martha K

Smith, Annie

d 28 Jul 1882 aged 5m


P - Smith, George

P - Mary

Smith, Archie

10 May 1897 - 22 Feb 1951

Mt. Olive

Smith, Augusta

2 Mar 1918 - 13 Jan 1930

Mt. Olive

Transit stone 507

P - Smith, Thomas

P - Cole, Agnes

Smith, Augusta B

30 Apr 1884 - 8 Nov 1943

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Longenious

P - Booth, Collins

P - Pretlow, Mahale

Smith, Augustus

16 Apr 1876 - 12 Oct 1930

Augustus Smith

N39 45.394 W075 35.859

Mt. Olive

Sect A Lot 230

P James Smith

P Martha Johnson

SP Olivia Smith

Smith, Benjamin

D 4 May 1858 aged 9y

Early burial

Smith, Benjamin A

25 May 1949 - 27 Dec 1959

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Alexander

P - Hines, Minnie E

Smith, Bernice K

18 Jul 1900 25 Sep 1971

Mt. Olive

P James Jones

P Julia

SP Henry Smith

Smith, Bessie Johnson

25 Sep 1891 - 30 Jun 1954

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Stephen

P - Sadler, George

P - Downs, Caroline

Smith, Caroline

D 5 May 1858 aged 7y

Early burial

Smith, Caroine

D 27 Jul 1863 aged 8mo

Early burial

Smith, Carrie

d 21 Mar 1908 aged 34y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Cephas

25 Mar 1855 - 30 Jul 1933

Mt. Olive


P - Smith, Robert

P Harriett

SP Mary Louisa Jones

Smith, Chalmers

27 Aug 1886 - 29 Nov 1954

Veteran WWI

Mt Olive 1955 / not found 2012

SP - Smith, Isabella

P - Smith, Jim

P - Hayward, Rachel

Smith, Charles

d 8 Mar 1932 aged 80y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Charles Meluin

10 Jan 1955 - 20 Jan 1955

Mt. Olive


P - Smith, Clarence

P - Mathews, Nora

Smith, Chas

d 18 Jan 1893 aged 47y

St. Peters

Smith, Christopher Henry

10 Feb 1875 - 12 Apr 1957

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Ezekial

P - Comkey, Georgiana

Smith, Clarence

d 26 Sep 1887 aged 3y

St. Peters

P - Smith, Alfred

P - Johnson, Lizzie

Smith, Clarence

8 Mar 1893 - 24 May 1928

Mt. Olive

Lot 113 Sect D

P - Smith, John / Brown, Lena

Smith, Coley William

24 Feb 1922 - 9 Sep 1960

Mt. Olive  277067166

P - Smith, Wade Hampton / Herring, Rebecca Eliza

SP – Lucille Smith

Smith, Cora

18 Mar 1868 - 18 Jul 1936

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Isaac

P - Lydia

Smith, Cordelia

D 14 Feb 1886 aged 2w


P - Smith, James [sic Jos]

P - Smith, Henrett

Smith, Daniel

d 24 Nov 1914 aged 4m

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Yunes

P - Smith, Marion

Smith, Daniel

d 20 Jun 1917 aged 35y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Daniel Charles Harrison

d 19 Nov 1889 aged 9m

St. Peters

P - Rowan, Daniel

P - Smith, Ana

Smith, David

D 23 Aug 1864 aged 51yr

Early burial

Smith, David

d 22 Aug 1918 aged 33y

Mt. Olive

Smith, David

d 27 Aug 1908 aged 41y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Dora

d 24 May 1914 aged 28y

Mt. Olive

P - Hardon, Groeg

P - Lewes, Emma

Smith, Dora C

D 12 Jan 1896 aged 9m

St. Peters

P - Smith, Isaac

P - Frances

Smith, Dorothy May

1 Jun 1925 - 3 Jun 1925

Mt. Olive

P - Aubrey

P - Fountain, Lena


Smith, Earl Sylvester

d 18 Jul 1902 aged 6w 3d

St. Peters

P - William

P - Mary

Smith, Edith Mae

5 May 1911 - 17 Dec 1932

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, William

P - Douglass, Morris

P - Garnett, Anna

Smith, Edna

30 Jun 1900 - 15 May 1969

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Walter

P - Ennis, Jessie

P - Ennis, Mary

Smith, Edward

13 Oct 1952 - 26 Nov 1952

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Catherine

Smith, Eliza

D 17 Spe 1854 aged 40yr

Early burial

Smith, Ellen

d 23 Jan 1888 aged 6y


P - Smith, Thos

P - Smith, Mary

Smith, Elmer

d 6 Apr 1909 aged 4y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Joseph

P - Smith, Minnie

Smith, Elsie

d 17 Dec 1920 aged 70y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Elsie

26 Dec 1892 - 21 Jun 1934

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Christopher

P - Seth, Charles

P - Allen, Annie

Smith, Emma

d 1935

Emma Smith

N39 45'.457 W075 35'.905

Mt. Olive

Smith, Emma Alberta

1905 - 1952 (20 Aug 1905 - 22 Oct 1952)

Emma A Smith

N39 45.431 W075 35.819

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, George R

P - Brown, Fred

P - Brown, Anne

Smith, Emma L

d 10 Dec 1902 aged 13m

St. Peters

Smith, Estella

24 Jun 1894 - 30 Nov 1971

Mt. Olive

P - Porter, Sr, Ibbie

P - Catherine

Smith, Eugene Wesley

13 May 1942 -11 Jun 1942

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Robert

P - Collins, Irene

Smith, Eva Katie

D 11 Apr 1930 aged 46y

Mt. Olive

Transit stone 537

P - Collick, Ernie

P - Davis, Betsy

Smith, Eva L

4 Jun 1887 - 7 Nov 1952

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Rudoplh

P - Lambert, Michael

P - Casson, Elnora

Smith, Evelyn

d 20 Oct 1902

St. Peters

Smith, Fannie Kahn

1905 30 May 1951

Mt. Olive


P Sherman Harry Kahn

P Matilda Green

Smith, Florence

29 Dec 1889 - 30 Jan 1930


Mt. Olive

Smith, Florence

20 Apr 1922 - 25 Jul 1933

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Walter

P - Starling, Janie

Smith, Florence

1 May 1907 - 13 Jan 1958

Mt. Olive

Smith, Florence C

D 31 Dec 1863 aged 6yr

Early burial

Smith, Francis

d 17 Feb 1904 aged 44y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Frank

d 3 Jun 1895 aged 45y

St. Peters

Smith, Frank

d 17 Jan 1898 aged 16y

St. Peters

P - Smith, Isaac

P - Smith, Frances

Smith, Frank Wilson

d 11 Feb 1894 aged 1y

St. Peters

P - Smith, Wm

P - Rachel


Smith, George

d 25 Jul 1942 aged 49y

Mt. Olive

SP - Campbell, Edna

P - Smith, Harry M

P - Nickerson, Carrie

Smith, George K

d 14 Aug 1888 aged 14mo

St. Peters

P - Smith, Joseph P

P - Smith, Mary Letitia

Smith, George

d 22 Sep 1910 aged 41y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Samuel

P - Maria

Smith, George W

26 Jan 1905 - 9 Dec 1954

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John / Jones, Mary E


Smith, George R

d 23 Oct 1918 aged 18y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Herman

P - Smith, Ella

Smith, Georgianna

d 27 Mar 1919 aged 40y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John / Dails, Mary

Smith, Gilbert

D 13 Jun 1933 aged 33y

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Sophie

P - Smith, William

P - Georgianna V

Smith, Gertrude R

4 Apr 1899 - 18 Apr 1915

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Jarvis A

Smith, Granville

6 Jul 1895 - 14 Jun 1949

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Lillie Mae

P - Smith, Charles

P - Smith, Charity

Smith, Granville

11 Apr 1920 - 25 Mar 1960

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Edward

P - Bryan, Lacey

Smith, Gracie Anne

1 Jun 1873 - 1 Jan 1944

Mt. Olive

P - Brown, James P

P - Black, Mary Jane

Smith, Hannah

D 5 Oct 1859 aged 70y

Early burial

Smith, Hariett

d 6 May 1889 aged 3y 3m

St. Peters

P - Smith, Jos P

P - Smith, Mary

Smith, Harry

d 12 Oct 1882 aged 6y

St. Peters

P - Smith, Isaac

P - Smith, Elen

Smith, Harvey

d 11 Jul 1895 aged 7m

St. Peters

P - Smith, Joseph

P - Smith, Dora

Smith, Hattie

3 Jul 1942 - 1 Mar 1943

Mt. Olive

P - Wise, Clarence A

P - Rise, Elizabeth (Smith)

Smith, Harvey

D 21 Apr 1947 see Biddle, Howard

Mt. Olive

Smith, Hayes

D 2 Jan 1931 aged 53y

Mt. Olive

Poor Transit stone 620

P - Smith, James

P - Christine

Smith, Henrietta

d 16 Aug 1904 aged 3m

St. Peters

P - Smith, James

P - Lizzie

Smith, Henry

D 13 Jul 1860 aged 47y

Early burial

Smith, Henry

d 1 Feb 1916 aged 54y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Henry

29 Jan 1900 - 26 Dec 1955

Mt. Olive

SP - Bernice

P - Price, Sarah

Smith, Henery H

d 24 Nov 1893 aged 42y

St. Peters

P - Smith, William H

P - Smith, Aria A

Smith, Herman

15 Apr 1922 - 15 Dec 1968

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, George

P - Scott, Ellen

Smith, Hester A

d 11 Dec 1916 aged 64y

Mt. Olive

P - Butler, Gorge

P - Greene, Tempa

Smith, Isaac Edward

Apr 1863 - 24 Aug 1928

Mt. Olive

Choice Grave

Stone 359B

P - Smith, Peter

P - Benton, Ellen

Smith, Isabelle E

6 May 1860 - 25 Jan 1949

(6 May 1855 - 25 Jan 1949)

Isabelle Smith

N39 45.415 W075 35.878

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, John

Smith, J Clarence

1893 - 1928 (8 Mar 1893 - 24 May 1928)

J Clarence Smith


N39 45.397 W075 35'.844

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John / Brown, Lena

Smith, James

D 5 Mar 1899 aged 35y

Born West Indies

St. Peters

Smith, James

D 16 Oct 1899 aged 2w

St. Peters

P James / Ellen

Smith, James A

1905 - 1954 (1 Apr 1905 - 20 Feb 1954)

James A Smith

N39 45'.432 W075 35'.860

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Lillian C

P - Smith, Jacob / Johnson, Violet

Smith, James Preston Columbus

20 Oct 1892 - 30 May 1922 aged 31y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, James P / Grant, Mary L

Smith, James R

4 Apr 1920 - 2 Dec 1954

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Rudolph / Lambert, Eva L

Smith, James W

11 Apr 1875 - 9 May 1917

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Charles / Guy, Hannah

Smith, James W

1 Mar 1900 - 31 May 1947

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Rosalie

P - Smith, Richard / Smith, Ida

Smith, Jemmiah

d 28 Nov 1885 aged 32y


P - Bayard, Andrew / Bayard, Calliomee

Smith, Jervis A

27 Aug 1860 - 17 Jan 1950

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Emma R

P - Smith, Charles / Loder, Elizabeth

Smith, Jesse

17 Aug 1890 - 19 Jan 1947

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Cornelie

P - Jefferson, Verbee

Smith, Jesse B

1910 - 29 Mar 1959


Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Minnie

Smith, John

d 28 Sep 1918 aged 31y

Mt. Olive

Smith, John

D 18 Aug 1889 aged 34y


Smith, John

d 9 Feb 1890
aged 18m

St. Peters

P - Smith, Jacob H / Smith, Viola

Smith, John

15 Jun 1872 - 23 May 1937

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Mary

Smith, John Jr

22 Aug 1904 15 May 1972

Mt. Olive

P John W Smith / Sarah J Satterwaite

SP Hilda Smith

Smith, John E

D 29 May 1922 (Aged)

Mt. Olive

Smith, John E

D 18 Nov 1928 aged 3w

Mt. Olive

Baby Row

P - Smith, John E

P - Smiley, Martha

Smith, John Edward

d 13 Dec 1887 aged 9 m

St. Peters

P - Smith, Alfred

P - Lizzie

Smith, John H

d 10 May 1891 aged 18m

St. Peters

P - Smith, Joseph

P - Smith, Mary

Smith, John H

24 Mar 1887 - 1 Oct 1939

Mt. Olive

SP - Ada

P - Smith, John Henry

Smith, John R

d 17 Apr 1915 aged 69y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Joseph

d 23 Oct 1904 aged 6m

St. Peters

Smith, Joseph Preston

d 26 Jul 1908 aged 49y

Mt. Olive

P James Smith

P Christiana Aaron

SP Mary Lucretia Grant

Smith, Josephine Elizabeth Benson

1915 - 23 May 1943

Mt. Olive

P - Estella Benson

Smith, Judy

d 6 Dec 1847 aged 22m

early burial

Smith, Larry J

4 Oct 1955 3 Jun 1973

Mt. Olive

P Geo McCelland / Hattie S Brooks

Smith, Laura A E

D 17 Mar 1858 aged 22d

Early burial

Smith, Laura

D 17 Apr 1927

Mt. Olive

Smith, Lawrence

31 Oct 1916 - 26 Dec 1916

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John

P - Wolice, Carine

Smith, Leonard R

14 May 1915 - 14 Nov 1949


Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Christine E

P - Smith, Thomas

P - Cole, Agnes

Smith, Lena Tolbert

20 Dec 1923 - 1 Dec 1959

Mt. Olive

P - Cromartie, John

P - Cleveland , Orle

Smith, Levi D

d 21 Jan 1899 aged 50y

St. Peters

Smith, Levin H C

May - 3 Mar 1939 aged 52y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Samuel J

P - Powlett, Ellen


Smith, Lewis

d 21 Sep 1891 aged 18m

St. Peters

P - Smith, Isaac

P - Smith, Frances

Smith, Lewis

d 26 Apr 1918 aged 16y

Mt. Olive


P - Smith, Edward

P - Caldwell, Martha

Smith, Louis

6 Oct 1897 - 11 Oct 1946


Mt. Olive 272204707


P - Smith, William / Wilson, Georgianna

Smith, Lewis B

3 Feb 1901 23 Jul 1969

Mt. Olive

SP - Elnora Jones

P Jessie Smith

P Debby Smith

Smith, Lillie Mae

1905 - 1954 (16 Jun 1903 - 21 Dec 1954)

Lillie Smith

N39 45'.412 W075 35'.863

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Helen

Smith, Lillie

16 Jun 1903 - 21 Dec 1954

may be this stone

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Helen

Smith, Lottie D

D 12 Sep 1932 aged 52y

Mt. Olive

SP - Davis, John

Smith, Lewis

D 23 Jul 1969 aged 68y

Mt. Olive

SP - Elnora

Smith, Lulu M

d 28 Jan 1904 aged 21y

St. Peters

Smith, Lydia

d 31 Jul 1914 aged 70y

Mt. Olive

P - Ridgely, Jacob

P - Rachel

Smith, Lydia

9 Nov 1886 - 3 Nov 1953

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Philman

P - Postelles, Joseph

P - Nelson, Evereline

Smith, Maggie

d 5 Jan 1885 aged 1y

St. Peters

P - Smith, Cornelius

P - Smith, Ida

Smith, Margaret

d 9 Jun 1917 aged 71y

Mt. Olive

P - Rider, John

Smith, Margaret Jane

D 24 Dec 1855 aged 25yr

Early burial

Smith, Mariah

d 31 Oct 1888 aged 45yrs

St. Peters

Smith, Marion

11 Apr 1930 - 25 Dec 1936

Mt. Olive

P - McRoy, W W

P - Smith, Emma

Smith, Martha J

10 Mar 1879 - 20 Nov 1920

Mt. Olive

P - Duckery, Thomas J

P - Duckery, Elizabeth

Smith, Mary

d 28 Jun 1890
aged 2y 2m

St Peters

P - Smith, Isaac

P - Smith, Frances

Smith, Mary

28 Aug 1881 - 11 Aug 1949

Mt. Olive

P - Henry, John

P - Dudley, Sarah

Smith, Mary Ann

D 4 Dec 1852 aged 17y

Early burial

Smith, Mary C

D 4 Feb 1853 aged 3wks

Early burial

Smith, Mary E

D 11 Mar 1905 aged 28y

St. Peters

Smith, Mary E

D 7 Mar 1907 aged 46y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Mary E

D 9 Feb 1928 aged 47y

Mt Olive

P - James, Theodore

P - Sallie Earl

Smith, Mary E

14 Aug 1950 - 14 Apr 1954

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Ella Mae

Smith, Mary Elizabeth

23 May 1868 - 24 May 1928

Mt. Olive

Grave stone 337

P - Curtis, Jos

P - Adams, Priscilla

Smith, Mary Ella Bell

15 Sep 1916 3 Sep 1971

Mt. Olive

P F. Irene Bell Taylor

SP Benjamin Smith

Smith, Mary J

d 6 Jan 1918 aged 75y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Mary Lucretia

1 May 1875 - 18 Nov 1932

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Joseph

P - Grant, John

P - Perrygan, Rebecca

Smith, Mary M

d 17 Jan 1909 aged 21y

Mt. Olive

Smith, Mary R

d 18 Mar 1916 aged 31y


Mt. Olive

P - Richardson, Geo

P - Richardson, Mildren

Smith, Mattie

28 Dec 1923 - 9 Jan 1953

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Louis

P - Jones, Elnora

Smith, Melinda

24 Apr 1954 - 31 Dec 1954

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Reynold A

P - Dum, Louise

Smith, Melvin

d 31 Dec 1913 aged 3d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, James

P - Lee, Mary V

Smith, Minnie E

1882 - 13 Jun 1930 aged 48y

Mt. Olive

Choice Transit stone 565

P - Hines, Edward

P - Hines, Emma

Smith, Minnie E

22 May 1917 - 30 Jan 1960

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Alexander

P - Hines, Minnie

Smith, Myrtle E

d 28 Sep 1919 aged 13y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Stephin

P - Trusty, Anna

Smith, Nellie

D 14 Jan 1924 aged 28y

Mt. Olive

P - Satterfield, Daniel

P - Gibbs, Harriett

Smith, Newbold James

16 Aug 1910 - 26 Sep 1910

St. Peters

P - Smith, Erkwood

P - Adams, Sadie

Smith, Olivia Bayard

Dec 1879 28 Jan 1948

Mt. Olive

P James Edward Bayard Jr

P Laura Cooper

SP Augustus Smith

Smith, Paul Stanton Jr

29 Oct 1942 - 3 Nov 1942

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Paul Stanton

P - Campbell, Jacqueline Rita

Smith, Perry E

25 Jun 1860 - 1 May 1912

N39 45.435 W075 35.826

Listed 1939, not found 2012

St. Peters

Smith, Priscilla

d 14 Dec 1881 aged 3y


Smith, Priscilla

16 May 1878 24 Mar 1969

Mt. Olive

P Peter Wilson

P Sarah Wilson

SP William H Smith

Smith, Rachel

D 22 Aug 1862 aged 1yr

Early burial

Smith, Reginia

10 Jan 1950 - 21 Mar 1950

Mt. Olive

P - Rodgers, Eugene / Smith, Rosetta

Smith, Richard Edward

30 Mar 1917 - 10 Jan 1960

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John

P - Jones, Mary E

Smith, Richard Henry

d 11 Dec 1904 aged 47y

St. Peters

Smith, Robetta A

14 Dec 1914 - 28 Jan 1915

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, James A

P - Lee, Mary V

Smith, Robert

d 11 Jun 1903 aged 30y

St. Peters

Smith, Robert

4 Jul 1903 - 11 Mar 1938

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Dorothy

P - Smith, Catherine

Smith, Robert W

4 Aug 1883 - 9 Feb 1959

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Andrew

P - Smith, Emily

Smith, Roland

d 5 May 1917 aged 1d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Roland

P - Rowen, Jennie

Smith, Royal

1895 28 Jun 1930 aged 35y

Royal Smith

N39 45.413 W075 35.900

Mt. Olive

Choice Transit

Smith, Rudolph

22 Dec 1865 - 26 Feb 1956

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Eva

P - Smith, Thomas

P - Hannah

Smith, Samuel

d 11 Nov 1862 aged 68y

early burial

Smith, Samuel

d 24 Jan 1904 aged 4d

St. Peters

P - Smith, John H

P - Nascentiuml, Thismina

Smith, Sarah

D 25 Oct 1890 aged 42y


Smith, Sarah

1878 - 1955 (17 Dec 1883 - 14 Jun 1955)

Sarah Smith

N39 45.430 W075 35.842

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, William

P - Curtis, Joseph

P - Adams, Priscilla

Smith, Sattie

d 27 Dec 1914 aged 43y

Mt. Olive

P - Leonard, Henry

P - Lowe, Emaline

Smith, Sherrie Lee

15 Jan 1959 - 6 Mar 1959

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Thomas L

P - Canty, Ann L

Smith, Stephen

Stephen Smith

28 Jul 1851 - 21 Aug 1924

Old Soldier

Mt. Olive

N39 45'.424
W075 35'.821

Veteran Co. G
8 U.S.C.Inf.

Stephen Smith Pvt. Co G 8th Regt USCI. Sept 1864 Loss Sep 30 1864. Chapins Farm, VA. Died in action. age 30 hgt 5' 4". complexion black hair black eyes black. born Mathews Co VA. enlist 31 Oct 1863 Pittsburg PA. Killed in action 29 Sep 1964 at Laurel Hill VA

Smith, Stephen

4 Mar 1886 - 27 Sep 1958

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Stephen

P - Brinkley, Emma

Smith, Susan

d 5 May 1883 aged 23y


P - Morris, Benj

P - Morris, Priscilla

Smith, Susan

27 Jul 1876 - 25 Jan 1932

Mt. Olive

Transit stone 131

P - Lewes, Henry

P - Mary

Smith, Susan A

d 5 Jan 1915 aged 47y

Mt. Olive

P - Deshields, Peter

P - Green, Sarah

Smith, Thomas

d 22 Feb 1924 aged 61y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Henry

P - Clark, Catherine

Smith, Thomas

4 Mar 1877 - 6 Apr 1947

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Caroline

P - Smith, Isaiah

P - Benson, Hester

Smith, Thos

d 15 Mar 1919 aged 53y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Jacob

P - Sykes, Jane

Smith, Thomas R

D 14 Jun 1937 aged 35y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Rudolph

P - Lambert, Eva

Smith, Vennessa

17 Nov 1954 - 12 Apr 1955

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, James

P - McCain, Mary

Smith, Victor Albert

19 Mar 1895 15 Oct 1972

Victor A Smith

N39 45.435 W075 35.893

Veteran WWI

Mt. Olive

SP Anne Smith

P John Smith / Mary A Thomas

Smith, Walter

13 Nov 1898 - 17 Dec 1947

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Janie

P - Smith, Robert J

P - Hicks, Florence

Smith, Walter Hubbard

22 Jun 1918 - 27 Jun 1918

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Walter H

P - Coursey, Louisa

Smith, Willard E. Miles

25 Jan 1922 - 30 Sep 1925

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Minor E

P - Benson, Nettie M

Smith, William

d 4 Oct 1914 aged 37y

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Isreal

P - Brown, Sarah

Smith, William Jr

1 Nov 1881 27 Jun 1916

Mt. Olive 209706390

P William Smith / Mary James

Smith, William

1891 5 Aug 1919

Mt. Olive

SP Lola Smith

Smith, William

d 22 Aug 1945 aged 75y

Mt. Olive

Smith, William

7 Mar 1906 15 Feb 1952

Mt. Olive


Smith, Wm. A.

d 9 Nov 1917 aged 62y


Wm A Smith


N39 45.450 W075 35.847


Co. C 43 U.S.C.I

St. Peters


Smith, William Widow Smith, Marietta. service C 43 USC Inf. 1891 Jan 26 - application 1012467 cerificate 1064053. 1917 Nov 27. widow application 1111016 certificate 852321. Delaware

Smith, William E

D 3 Aug 1919 aged 28y (soldier)

Mt. Olive

Smith, William E

7 Aug 1867 - 15 Sep 1929

Mt. Olive

Transit stone 473

P - Smith, Steven

P - Mary

Smith, William Edward

3 Sep 1877 - 18 Jul 1934

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Viola Marion

Smith, William H

25 Dec 1874 - 8 Sep 1942

Mt. Olive

SP - Smith, Priscilla

P - Smith, George

Smith, William M

d 6 Apr 1909 aged 10m

St. Peters

Smith, William Thomas

1873 10 Dec 1953

Mt. Olive

P Cephas Smith


Smith, Willard L

6 Apr 1913 - 30 Sep 1958

Mt. Olive

P - Turner, Gertrude

Smith (family plot)

Smith plot

Smith, Wilmer

11 Oct 1926 - 13 Oct 1926

Mt. Olive

P - Wilmer

P - Brinkley, Annie

Smith (f)

D 4 Apr 1853 aged 3wk

Early burial

Smith (m)

D 18 Aug 1859 aged 0d

Early burial

Smith (f)

D 22 Dec 1859 aged 0d

Early burial

Smith, (f)

d 27 Aug 1888 aged 1d


P - Smith, Wm H

P - Smith, Annie

Smith, (m)

d 5 Dec 1896 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Smith, Gorge

P - Smith, Shrah

Smith, (f)

d 14 Feb 1901 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Smith, Geo

P - Sarah

Smith, (m)

d 6 Sep 1910 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Stephen

P - Lizzie

Smith, (m)

d 7 Apr 1916 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John

P - Kinsley, Viola

Smith, (f)

d 17 May 1917 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Rewls , Oscar

P - Smith, Eva

Smith, (m)

d 22 Jul 1919 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, W. Hihland

P - Causey, Louisa

Smith, (m)

D 23 Oct 1924 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Williams, Ralph

P - Smith, Alverta

Smith, (m)

D 28 Nov 1924 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Dave

P - Elliott, Elsie

Smith (m)

D 6 Dec 1929 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

Baby Row

P - Smith, John

P - Smiley, Martha

Smith (m)

D 5 Jan 1931

Mt. Olive

Baby Row

Smith (m)

D 11 Dec 1936 aged 1d

Mt Olive

P - Smith, James

P - Bush, Elizabeth

Smith (m)

D 5 Oct 1943 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Brown, Calvin

P - Smith, Mary

Smith (m)

12 Jun 1946 - 12 Jun 1946

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Douglas

P - Smith, Dorothy

Smith, (f)

d 12 Oct 1954 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, John R

P - Camel, Elaine

Smith (f)

5 Oct 1941 - 6 Oct 1941

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Dennis

P - Jones, Elnora

Smith (m)

D 6 Sep 1955 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Leroy

P - Caulk, Sarah

Smith, (m)

d 30 Jan 1960 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Smith, Elliott

P - Smith, Minnie E

Smith (m)

D 2 Jan 1969 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P Patricia Smith


Smokewood, Annie

d 25 May 1913 aged 62y

Mt. Olive

P - Segars, John

P - Dempsey, Mary


Smullens, Josephine

D 27 Aug 1932 aged 35y 11m 27d

Mt. Olive

SP - Smullens, Wardel

P - Hatchett, Albert Lee

P - Hatchett, Maria


Mt. Olive Cemetery