Mt. Olive Cemetery 


Weaver, John

D 30 Mar 1885 aged 29y



Webb, Arria Devone

19 Feb 1899 - 23 Mar 1900

Arria Devone Webb

N39° 45'.483 W075° 35'.885

St. Peters (moved to Mt. Olive) 178990204

P - John Webb / Bertha Webb

Webb, Bertha

9 Oct 1879 - 21 Jun 1919

Betha Webb

N39’ 45.437 W075’ 35.865

“Blest be thy sleep”

Mt. Olive 233854498

P - Alexander Hollis /  R. A. Hollis

Webb, Casina

d 20 Oct 1894 aged 11m

St. Peters 178990205

P - Wm Webb / Sada

Webb, Charles F

d 9 Jul 1909 aged 2m

St. Peters 178990206

Webb, Charles H

D 23 Apr 1927 aged 58y

Mt. Olive

Webb, Donald Millard

2 Apr 1935 - 5 Aug 1945

Mt. Olive 246005267

P - William H Webb / Mary Gould

Webb, Earl

15 Jun 1906 – 25 May 1953

Mt. Olive

SP - Webb, Freda

Webb, Edward W

d 28 Sep 1894 aged 27y

St. Peters 178990207

P - Jacob Webb / Leah A Webb

Webb, Elnora

3 Sep 1896 – 25 Jan 1935

Mt. Olive

P - Webb, Solomon

P - Webb, Laura

Webb, George

d 21 Oct 1884 aged 2w

Union 178973174

P - George Webb / Rhoda Webb

Webb, George E

d 13 May 1892 aged 6m

St. Peters 178990208

P - George Webb / Purcella Webb

Webb, Gladys

d 31 Oct 1909 aged 2m

St. Peters 178990209

Webb, Harriet Ann

d 9 Apr 1894 aged 46y

St. Peters 178990210

Webb, Jacob Z

d 15 Jun 1908 aged 77y

Mt. Olive

SP - Harriett

Webb, James

d 27 Mar 1895 aged 11m

St. Peters 178990211

P - James A Webb /  Lillie M

Webb, Leonora

8 Feb 1886 - 28 Mar 1888

St. Peters

Webb, Susie A

2 Sep 1878 - 25 Oct 1949

Mt. Olive

SP - Charles Webb

P - Margaret Cox

Webb, Townsend

d 6 Mar 1901 aged 11y

Union 178973175

P - George Webb / Precila

Webb, William Henry

D 26 Jun 1926 aged 18y 1m

Mt. Olive

P - Charles Webb

P - Ella Sewell

Web, (f)

d 6 Aug 1899

St. Peters

P - Thomas

P - Ida

Webb (f)

d 21 Aug 1903

Ezion 178973870


Webley, Eliza

d 8 Mar 1894 aged 6m

St. Peters

P - Webley, Adelia

Webley, John

D 16 Jan 1885 aged 35y

Old Baptist

P - John

P - Eliza


Webster, Geo H

d 17 Sep 1899 aged 2yr

(see Singer)

St. Peters 178990213

P - Singer, James / Mary

Webster, Hannah

Old Union Identified 1996;

re-interred at Mount Pisgah, Summit Bridge

SP - John Webster?

Webster, James

15 Apr 1868 – 3 Jan 1931

Mt. Olive

P - Webster, John P

P - Roberta

Webster, James

1 Jan 1919 – 25 Jan 1962


Mt. Olive

Webster, Margaret

14 Mar 1870 – 20 Oct 1950

Mt. Olive

SP - Webster, James

P - Fisher, William

P - Moore, Mary Louise

Webster, Talbot S

d 7 Jul 1913 aged 11m 12d

Mt. Olive

P - Webster, Charles

P - Anderson, Anna


Weddington, Diana L

15 Jun 1951 – 31 May 1953

Mt. Olive 238623347

P - Weddington, Joseph Lee /  Kennedy, Lecretia

Weddington, George Vernie

10 Dec 1910 – 14 Mar 1969

Mt. Olive 263751451

SP – Willie Mae Jones

SP – Hattie Green

P – Irene Claiborne

Weddington, Raymond

15 Jan 1906 - 5 Feb 1960

Mt. Olive  263752291

P - Henry Weddington / Irene Clairborn

SP - Notie Bell Mays

Weddington (m)

D 9 Apr 1957 aged 0d

Mt. Olive 263802591

P - Weddington, Charlie / Dennis, Alice


Weeks, Harry

1 Jul – 21 Jul 1926 aged 53y

Mt. Olive

P - Richard H

P - Hettie D Baker

Weeks, Hettie D

10 Nov 1856 - 1 Mar 1915

Mt. Olive

P - Bacon, James W

P - Douglas, Emily

Weeks, James

d 4 Mar 1862 aged 50y


early burial

P - Weeks,  Margaret

Weeks, Richard H

30 Sep 1849 – 15 Mar 1926

Mt. Olive

P - Henry Weeks

P - Ruth

Weeks, Rutanna

d 8 Jul 1862 aged 32y

early burial

Weeks, William L

D 29 Mar 1890 aged 38y



Weldon, Edward

d 5 Dec 1884 aged 3y

St. Peters  178990219

P - Weldin,  Aaron / Weldon,  Emma

Weldon, Frank

4 Sep – 4 Sep 1924 aged 43y

Mt. Olive

Welden, Mary Elizabeth

d 7 Apr 1886 aged 2y 6m

St. Peters

P - Welden, Aaron

P - Bishop, Mary Emma


Wellar, Amanda

d 3 Aug 1918 aged 72y

Mt. Olive

P - Wilson, George

P - Cannon,  May E

WELLINGTON See also Wallington

Wellington, Emmanuel

d 3 Nov 1882 aged 32y

St. Peters

P - Emanuel Wellington

P - Elizabeth


Wells, Carrie Davis

D 4 Jul 1926 aged 48y

Mt. Olive

P - John Davis

P - Eliza

Wells, Charles Leon

19 Mar 1919 – 19 Jun 1955


Mt. Olive

SP - Wells, Beatrice

P - Wells, Mary

Wells, Clarence

29 Mar 1904 – 27 Mar 1971

Mt. Olive 205506835

SP - Wells, Margaret

P - Wells, Thomas / Martin, Cora

Wells, Cora

1 Oct 1885 - 15 Jan 1959

Mt. Olive

P - Thomas Martin

P - Sarah

Wells, Edith Irene

6 Apr 1888 – 1 Jul 1943

Mt. Olive

SP - Wells, William D

P - Stokes, Albert

P - Gibson, Rachel

Wells, Harry

1867 – 4 Mar 1941

Mt. Olive

P - Wells, John

P - Maria

Wells, Margaret

10 May 1905 – 30 Sep 1971

Mt. Olive 205506994

P – William Johnson / Margaret

SP – Clarence Wells


Welsh, Armenta

May 1890 - 24 Apr 1955

Mt. Olive

SP - Daniel Welch

P - Williams Jenkins

P - Martha Johnson

Welch, Bessie A

d 23 Jan 1885 aged 7y

St. Peters

P - Stephen Welch

P - Mary A Welch

Welch, Donald

10 Apr 1934 – 19 Nov 1934

Mt. Olive 232412281

P - Welch, James / Ringgold, Hilda

Welch, Darnnel

d 28 Nov 1935 aged 57y 2m 26d

Mt. Olive

P - Walter Glascoe

P - Eliza Welch

Welsh, Ella F

1868 – 1934

N39’ 45.409 W075’ 35.908

Listed 1939, not found 2012

(Is she the same as Florence Ella, below?)

Mt. Olive

Welch, Florence Ella

18 Jul 1868 – 18 Dec 1934

Mt. Olive 218784241

P - Crummel, Alfred / Biddle, Lizzie

Welsh, Estella Taylor

23 Jul 1903 - 10 Nov 1958

Mt. Olive

P - James Wilmer

P - Tiny Wilmer

Welch, Hilda M.

D 23 Jan 1955 aged 45y

Mt. Olive 232408807

P - Ringgold, Victor / Sadie

SP – James S Welch

Welsh, Isabella

d 6 Aug 1890 aged 20y

St. Peters 178990221

Welch, James Silas

4 Mar 1908 - 1 Jun 1935

Mt. Olive  232412068

SP - Helen Welch

P - Jas Thomas Welch / Mary G Welch

Welch, James Thomas

4 Jul 1882 -- 23 Apr 1924

Mt. Olive 154958663

P - James Welsh / Mary Pitts

SP – Mary Ford

Welch, Leon

d 18 Mar 1904 aged 1y 8m

St. Peters

Welch, Mary

3 Oct 1883 - 16 Feb 1959

Mt. Olive 232413486

P - Thomas Ford / Cecelia

SP – James Thomas Welch

Welch, Mary A

d 11 Aug 1893 aged 52y

St. Peters

Welsh, Samuel H

d 3 Sep 1913 aged 12y

Mt. Olive

P - Samuel Welsh

P - Cornelia Welsh

Welch, Sarah Elizabeth

d 8 Apr 1884 aged 23y

St. Peters

P - Stephen Welch

P - Mary Welch

Welsh, Stephen

d 9 Jun 1889 aged 65y

St. Peters 178990222

Welch (family plot)

N39’ 45.424 W075’ 35.836

Listed 1939, not found 2012

Mt. Olive


Werts, Fredley

d 21 Sep 1918 aged 32y

Mt. Olive


Wesley, Maggie E

d 11 Apr 1884 aged 6y

St. Peters

P - Wesley, Kissick

Wesley (m)

d 20 Apr 1958 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Wesley, Herbert

P - Billy Jean


West, Frank

d 30 Dec 1918 aged 80y

Mt. Olive

West, Johny

d 5 May 1893 aged 0d

St. Peters  178990225

West, Joseph

Jul 1949 – 10 May 1953

Mt. Olive

P - West, James

P - West, Arretta

West, Rhoda

d 25 Oct 1909 aged 41y

Mt. Olive

West, Richard

19 Oct 1912 – 5 Mar 1953

Mt. Olive 243316945

SP - West, Viola

P - West, Hattie

West, Viola G

4 May 1920 – 21 Feb 1973

Mt. Olive

SP - West, Richard

P - Wallace, Waymond

P - Wallace Ethyl Smith

West, William

11 Apr 1898 - 28 Nov 1947

Mt. Olive

West (m)

d 1 Jul 1885 aged 3d

St. Peters 178990224

P - Elias Davis West /  Mary Hackett


Weston, Albert

3 Jun 1883 - 25 May 1925

Mt. Olive

P - Weston, Henry

P - Wilmer, Charlotte

Weston, Charlotte

5 Aug 1860 – 19 Feb 1925

Mt. Olive 244752674

P - Thomas J Wilson /  Martha Wilmer

SP – Henry Weston

Weston, Charles

8 Mar 1875 – 18 Jane 1931

Mt. Olive 244723753

Choice Trans #629

P – Henry Weston / Charlotte Weston

Weston, Henry

5 Apr 1848 - 11 May 1915

aged 67y

Mt. Olive 244752597

SP – Charlotte Wilson

Weston, Josephine

19 Jan 1887 – 4 Mar 1944

Mt. Olive 244752963

P - Weston, Henry / Wilson, Charlotte

Weston, Lillian

27 Jul 1894 – 23 Nov 1941

Mt. Olive 219168090

SP - Weston, Charles

P - Brown, Joseph /  Brown, Mary Jane

Weston, Lucinda

d 29 May 1895 aged 58y

St. Peters  178990226

Weston, Margurete

D 29 Jun 1926 aged 40y

Mt. Olive 219168186

P - Isaac E Smith / Francis Wilmer

Weston (m)

D 17 Apr 1970 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P – Samuel Weston

P – Barbara Spencer




Wed (f)

D 6 Aug 1899 aged 0d

St. Peters

P – Thomas / Ida


Mt. Olive Cemetery 

Wilmington, Delaware