Mt. Olive Cemetery 


Whalen, Mary Eleath

28 Aug 1868 – 20 Nov 1941

Mt. Olive

SP - Whelan, Elsbury

P - Hayes, Tilghman

P - Sordon, Amy


Wharton, Anne M

D 30 Jan 1849 aged 1y 1mo

Early burial


Whitely, Alberta

7 Mar 1873 – 26 Jun 1955

Mt. Olive

SP - Whitley, Benjamin

P - Smith, Jacob Henry

Whiteley, Benjamin

d 25 Jul 1903 aged 65y

St. Peters

Whitley, Benjamin Franklin

D 10 Dec 1956 aged 72y

Mt. Olive

P - Whitley, Benjamin Franklin

P - Wilhelmina P

Wheatley, Edward

d 17 May 1901 aged 2y

St. Peters  178990227

P - Wm E Whetley / Margret

Whitey, Floyd

D 8 Jan 1930

Mt. Olive

Baby Row

Wheatley, Lemuel

d 24 Oct 1882 aged 9m

Union 178973176

P - Henry Wheatley / Laura Wheatey

Wheatley, Marion

D 3 Jan 1906 aged 47y

Mt. Olive

Wheatley, Mary V

14 Dec 1870 – 24 Jan 1925

Mt. Olive

P - Nelson Monroe

P - Sara Walden

Whitely, Perry

D 18 May 1848 aged 50y

Early burial

Wheatley, Rachel

d 2 Mar 1894 aged 45yrs

Rachel Wheatley


Rachell Wheatley

N39’ 45'.483 W075’ 35'.885

St. Peters (moved to Mt. Olive) 234865525

SP - William Wheatley

P - Wm Tilghman / Eleanor Tilghman

Wheatley, William

d 29 Mar 1918 aged 22y

Mt. Olive

P - Wm Wheatley

P - Mary Townsend

Whitely, Wilhelmina

d 28 Oct 1917 aged 56y

Mt. Olive

Whiteley, William Bruce

d 25 Dec 1886 aged 6y

St. Peters

P - Whiteley,  Benjamin

P - Johnson,  Mary

Whitely (f)

d 21 Feb 1848 aged 18y

early burial


Wheeler, Arthur

9 May 1890 – 22 Dec 1949

Mt. Olive

SP - Madeline Wheeler

P - Robert E Wheeler

P - Mary Freeman

Wheeler, James Amos

d 18 May 1917 aged 65y

Mt. Olive

P - Nace Dennison

P - Annie Wheeler

Wheeler, John

d 13 Oct 1919 aged 6m

Mt. Olive

P - Wm Ridgeway

P - Agnes Wheeler

Wheeler, Moses

d Aug 1861 aged 7yr 4mo 5 d

Moses Wheeler


(on stone with William Draper)

Mt. Olive

Wheeler, Sylvester

5 Jun 1922 - 17 May 1924

Mt. Olive

P - Thomas Harris

P - Agnes Wheeler

WHEELER plot marker (no headstones found near this)

Wheeler marker


Whittaker, George

5 Sep 1877 – 26 Nov 1926

Mt. Olive

P - James Whittaker

P - Mary Loper

Whittaker, James H

1901 – 23 Aug 1921

Mt. Olive 239466107

P – Robert W Whittaker / Gertrude Whittaker

Whittaker, Mary

d 13 Jul 1908 aged 60y

Mt. Olive

Whittaker, Robert W

d 29 Jan 1916 aged 35y

Mt. Olive 239466716

P - Jacob Whittaker / Jane Harkins

Whitaker, Sarah A

d 24 Jul 1901 aged 6m

St. Peters

Whittaker (m)

d 3 May 1960 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Rudolph Whittaker

P - Sarah Evans


White, Aaron

19 Oct 1911 - 20 Jan 1959

Mt. Olive

P - White, Robert H / Ellzy, Lilly M

White, Adam

D 28 Mar 1855 aged 65yr

Early burial

White, Alberta

6 Mar 1923 - 27 Jun 1925

Mt. Olive

P - Gaines, Foster /  Gaines, Bessie

White, Amanda L

D 10 Feb 1907 aged 2m

St. Peters

White, Amelia

d 24 Feb 1909 aged 4w

St. Peters 178990231

White, Angeline

d 14 May 1928 aged 75yr

Angeline White

N39 45.438 W075 35.823

Mt. Olive 96662360

SP - Hoagland, Benjamin  SP - White, Solomon

White, Ann

d 18 Mar 1886 aged 64y

St. Peters  178990232

White, Annie C

d 29 Oct 1918 aged 33y

Mt. Olive

P - White, George / White, Annie

White, Annie Lydia

8 Aug 1874 - 8 Aug 1945

Mt. Olive  131593146

SP - White, William

P - Sewell, Richard / Louise

White, Benjamin

21 Nov 1879 – 21 Oct 1940

Mt. Olive

White, Charles

d 29 Oct 1892 aged 49y

St. Peters 178990233

P - White, Sarah

White,  Charles

d 10 Dec 1900 aged 49y

Union 178973177

White, Charles Henry

d 20 Feb 1935
(17 Mar 1892 - 20 Feb 1935)

Charles Henry White

N39’ 45.406 W075’ 35'.869

Veteran / WWI

Mt. Olive  96662361

P - White, Napoleon /  Swiggett, Alice

White, Clarence

9 Jul 1898 – 12 Mar 1945

Mt. Olive

P - White, Elin / Green, Hester

White, Daniel

d 17 Nov 1909 aged 47y

Mt. Olive

White, Ella Frances

D 7 Jun 1886 aged 11y

St. Peters

P - John W /  Elizabeth

White, Ellen J

1890 - 1935 (28 Mar 1890 - 20 Sep 1935)

Ellen White

N39’ 45.389 W075’ 35.852

Mt. Olive  96662362

SP - White, Frank E

P - Johnson, Peter K / Thompson, Henrietta

White, Elmira

d 9 Mar 1917 aged 50y

Mt. Olive

White, Emma Irma

24 Dec 1918 - 23 Feb 1919

Mt. Olive

P - White, William / Hiney, Lizzie

White, Eva Marie

d Aug 1886 aged 11y

St. Peters

P - Whit, John /  Webb, Elizabeth

White, Fleming

14 Dec 1886 – 28 Dec 1935

Mt. Olive

SP - White, Jane

P - White, Alex / Jones, Annie

White, Fleming Jr

D 20 Sep 1929 aged 6y

Mt. Olive

P - White, Fleming Sr / Jane

White, Frank

18 Oct 1907 - 26 Sep 1961

Mt. Olive 205402257

P - Broughton, Frank / White, Lizzie

White, Frank E

1880 - 1944 (d 29 Oct 1944)

Frank White

N39’ 45.389 W075’ 35.852

Mt. Olive 96662363

SP - Johnson, Ellen J

P - White, John P / West, Cynthia

White, Freda

12 Sep 1957 - 14 Nov 1957

Mt. Olive

P - White, Joseph /  Mozella

White, Garnette

19 Sep 1889 – 21 Aug 1922

Mt. Olive

P - Dillird, Isaac / Brown, Charlotte

White, Grace Marie

28 Nov 1941 – 22 Apr 1942

Mt. Olive

P - Ross, Carrol / White, Carrie Amelia

White, Hannah Laws

15 Mar 1893 – 6 Jun 1944

Mt. Olive

P - Laws, Noah / Mary E

White, Harry

d 15 Mar 1894 aged 2 weeks

St. Peters

P - White, Napoleon / White, Alice

White, Henrietta

d 25 Jun 1899 aged 40y

St. Peters

White, Henry

d 1 Sep 1918 aged 61yrs

Henry White

N39 45.453 W075 35.851

“At Rest”

Mt. Olive  96662365

White, Herbert T

d 30 Mar 1889 aged 7m

St. Peters

P - White, Amealy

White, Ida Sparks

15 Nov 1918 – 23 Nov 1968

Mt. Olive

P – Lue White

P – Rosalie Carroll

SP – Henry Sparks

White, Isabella

D 8 Sep 1929 aged 76y

Mt. Olive

White, James

d 16 Oct 1909 aged 26y

St. Peters

White, James M

5 Mar 1888 - 24 Dec 1945

James White

N39’ 45.406 W075’ 35.842

Veteran /WWI

Mt. Olive 96662366

SP - White, Rose

P - White, Robert / Mary

White, James M T

1888 – 1945

James M T White

N39’ 45.406 W075’ 35.842

Mt. Olive 9484454

White, James M

15 Sep 1896 - 24 Dec 1945

Mt. Olive

SP - White, Rose

P - White, Robert

P - Mary

White, Jefferson

d 13 Jun 1898 aged 52y

St. Peters

White, Jennie

d 22 Jun 1895 aged 32y

St. Peters

White, John

18 Dec 1877 - 3 Jul 1954

Mt. Olive

SP - Russell, Elsie

P - White, Johnathan J.

P - Johnson, Amelia A.

White, John

d 30 Jun 1902 aged 29y

Mt. Olive

White, John

d 5 Sep 1910 aged 79y

Mt. Olive

White, John Henry

d 3 Feb 1901 aged 5m

St. Peters

P - White, Henry

P - Lottie

White, John Wesley

d 6 Oct 1888 aged 6 wk

St. Peters

P - White, Chas

P - White, Anna

White, Joseph E

d 1 Feb 1916 aged 19yrs

Joseph White

N39 45.453 W075 35.851

Mt. Olive 96662368

P - White, Henry Sr /  Demby, Laura

White, Julia

d 21 Jan 1916 aged 60y

Mt. Olive

White, Katherine

15 Jun 1927 – 31 Aug 1969

Mt. Olive

SP - White, Hezekiah

White, Leslie

d 3 Jun 1913 aged 29y

Mt. Olive

White, Levi

d 27 Jan 1888 aged 30y

St Peters

P - White, Samuel

P - White, Annie

White, Lillian Jackson

26 Oct 1888 – 1 Feb 1969

Mt. Olive

P – Albert Jackson

P – Julia

SP – Robert White

White, Lilly

d 3 Aug 1913 aged 48y

Mt. Olive

White, Lucretia

D 23 Dec 1887 aged 7m


P - John

P - Pocohontas

White, Lucy

30 May 1882 - 2 Jun 1924

Mt. Olive

P - Gibbs, Oscar

P - Gibbs, Clara

White, Lydia

d 10 Mar 1879 aged 66 yrs


N39’ 45'.468 W075’ 35'.846

listed 1939, not found 2012

footstone L.W. is visible

“Rest from Labor”

St. Peters

White, Maggie Ann

d 18 Apr 1900 aged 19y

St. Peters

P - White, Henry

P - White, Laura

White, Maggie

d 1 Mar 1904 aged 26y

St. Peters

White, Mam

D 4 Oct 1855 aged 42yr

Early burial

White, Mammie

d 28 Jan 1919 aged 36y

Mt. Olive

P - Townsend, Harry

P - Trippett, Isabelle

White, Marietta

5 Sep 1927 – 30 Mar 1950

Mt. Olive

SP - White, Aaron

P - Smith, Roxy

White, Mary

d 29 Dec 1902 aged 25y

St. Peters

White, Mary A

D 15 May 1833 aged 62y

Mt. Olive

White, Mary E

3 Jul 1876 – 14 Jul 1923

Mt. Olive

P - Lewis, Wm

P - Rickerson, Ruth

White, Mary Jane

d 27 Jan 1862 aged unknown

early burial

White, Middy

d 12 Mar 1894 aged 40y

St. Peters

White, Noah

D 2 Nov 1906 aged 60y

Mt. Olive

White, Percy James

15 Mar 1913 – 11 Sep 1913

Mt. Olive 271539716

P – Thomas White

White, Priscilla

D 28 Nov 1850 aged 3yr

Early burial

White, Reno

6 Jul 1918 - 15 Aug 1918

Mt. Olive

P - White, John

P - Goodman, Joanna

White, Ronnie

d 20 Aug 1931 aged 42y

Mt. Olive

P - White, Ross

P - Adelia

White, Roosevelt J

3 Jun 1919 – 20 Feb 1970

Mt. Olive 270222947

P - White, Lawrence / White, Lizzie

White, Rossie Lee

7 May 1962 – 19 Jul 1962

Mt. Olive

P - White, Rossie Lee Sr.

P - Showell, Evelyn

White, Samuel James

D 1 Mar 1854 aged 7mo

Early burial

White, Sarah

d 18 Nov 1897 aged 89y

St. Peters

White, Sarah A

d 25 Feb 1886 aged 80 yrs


Sarah White

N39’ 45'.469 W075’ 35'.851

“Asleep in Jesus”

St. Peters (moved to Mt. Olive)

White, Stephen

d 24 Mar 1909 aged 38y

Mt. Olive

White, Sydney

D 26 Jan 1849 aged 60y

Early burial

White, Thomas

4 Jul 1873 - 21 Oct 1938

Mt. Olive 271538781

P - White, John / Jackson, Mary

SP - Jennie Johnson

White, Thomas

D 8 Jun 1940 aged 6y

Mt. Olive

P - White, Wm Thomas

P - Hill, Bernice

White, Walter

d 4 Oct 1918 aged 16y

Mt. Olive

P - Hall, Harry

P - White, Lucy

White, William

d 7 Mar 1894 aged 7m

St. Peters

P - White, Albert

P - Sarah

White, William

7 Dec 1919 - 13 Feb 1921

Mt. Olive

P - Griffin, Thomas

P - White, Elizabeth

White, William

11 Jul 1866 – 9 Apr 1942

Mt. Olive

P - White, Richard

P - Linbush, Jane

White, William

21 May 1882 – 1 Aug 1951

Mt. Olive

P - White, Willie

P - Wheat, Lillie

White, William Thomas

6 Jun 1909 – 5 Apr 1971

Mt. Olive  190250531


P – Thomas White / Jennie Johnson


White, Willie F

1 Mar 1921 - 16 Aug 1959

Mt. Olive

P - White, William / White, Birda

White, (f)

D 15 May 1855 aged 4yr

Early burial

White, (f)

d 28 Dec 1900 aged 2 wks

St. Peters 178990230

P - White, Bert / Maggie

White, (f)

d 18 Apr 1918 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - White, Foster

P - White, Bessie

White, (f)

d 25 Jun 1925 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - White, Clyde

P - White, Willie


Whitehurst, Ida Louisa Fisher

d 10 May 1915 aged 32y

Mt. Olive

P - Fisher,  Wm

P - Cooper, Elizabeth


Whitfield, Dora

D 18 Jan 1933 aged 59y

Mt. Olive 248745666

Whitfield, Samuel

15 Jun 1900 – 6 Dec 1971

Mt. Olive


Whitico, Henry

d 22 Oct 1942 aged 69y

Mt. Olive

SP - Whitico, Clara

Whittico, Katie V

1 Jul 1898 – 16 Mar 1969

Mt. Olive

P – John Whittico

P – Anna Whittico



Whiteman, George

10 May 1871 – 13 May 1955

Mt. Olive

SP - Whiteman, Cora Macey

P - Whiteman, Christopher

P - Matilda

Whiteman, Mary

d 12 Sep 1900 aged 2m

St. Peters

P - Whiteman, Geo

P - Whiteman, Annie




Whitney, Richard N

d 20 Apr 1913 aged 35 yrs


Listed 1939, not found 2012

St. Peters

P - Whitney, Geo H

P - Whitney, Lorrie A

Whiten, Fanny P

d 6 Nov 1918 aged 70y

Mt. Olive

P - Price,  Joseph F

P - Mariah

Whittydon (m)

D 12 Apr 1946 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Whittydon, Virginia


Whortenberry, Clara

d 4 Oct 1918 aged 34y

Mt. Olive

P - Martin,  William

Whortenberry, Georgianna

d 8 Nov 1884 aged 12m

St. Peters

P - Whortenberry,  James H

P - Whorternberry, Lydia Ann

Whortenberry. Lydia

D 15 Jan 1888 aged 43y



See Way

Why, Richard

D 25 Jul 1890 aged 65y


SP - Amy



Wittington, Isaac

D 2 May 1848 aged 5y

Early burial

Whittington, Joseph

D 12 Jan 1856 aged 6d?

Early burial

Whittington, Mamie Rhoades

4 Apr 1920 – 19 Jul 1948

Mt. Olive

SP - Whittington, Joseph

Rhoades, Newton

P - Williams, Alice

Wittington, Maria

D 4 Mar 1853 aged 1 1/4yr

Early burial

Wittington, Pleasant A

D 29 Aug 1849 aged 29y

Early burial

 Wittington, Tabitha

D 28 Nov 1852 aged 80y

Early burial


Mt. Olive Cemetery

Wilmington, Delaware